Friday, February 23, 2018

Effects of Technology on Communication in Modern Society

By modern society, I am referring to today in the year of 2018. I am a "millennial" technically speaking being that I was born in 1990, but I have seen how technology has changed over the years and what it can do to people. Technology has simplified the access to many devices people need in education, medicine, communication, transportation, etc.

The first thing that comes to mind with technology and communication is, of course, a cell phone. I received my first cell phone, back in 2003. I used it as a means of communication with my mom when I was done with sporting events or any other extracurricular activities to make sure I would get a ride home, or she knew if I was staying at a friend's place. My phone had a green screen, it cost to text and call, and I had one game, snake.

Today, I see first graders with a smartphone. It makes me wonder why they have one. Did they ask for it for Christmas? Do their parents have defined child-safe features on that phone for them? Is this a benefit for the child, or is it entitling them to something I had to wait 14 years for even to get a flip phone? Will it make them addicted to their phones at a young age? Will they lose the meaning of human contact and close themselves to their rooms? Will their self-esteem be solely on the amount of "likes" they get on Instagram? Will some parents find it easier to parent and deal with their children by shoving a device in their face to keep them quiet for a while? In my opinion, yes to all of this.

Cell phones have had their pros and cons with me in my life so far. I received phone calls both times when I learned about my father's passing and brother's passing. But with so much pain it has given me, I have endured joy; learning I was going to be an aunt for the first time, calling my mom telling her about my engagement and when my boss called about my receiving of the job I am currently at that I love. To me, this source of communication has also shaped me into who I am today.
In education we all use our phones for communication, whether it be a call, email or text. Sometimes it really is, the simplest form of communication. (not a priority though)

The second thing I think of with communication is video chat. Skype, FaceTime, Hangouts, etc. My first time meeting one of my nephews was via FaceTime. Apparently not the same as in person, but it still had the same loving effect that took over my heart instantly. My best friend from high school lives in another state, and our way of seeing each other is video chat through Facebook Messenger.

In education, you can now go on "virtual field trips" using Skype or Google Expeditions. Working in education has shown me what is truly important in teaching and that is differentiation. Instead of having your students stare at a textbook about whales, take them on a "field trip" where they can see live footage of whales on Skype and learn about them from a teacher on the other side of the world.

Technology had both enhanced communication for disabled people and made it possible where it previously wasn't. My nephew was born with Down Syndrome and has kept his parents on their toes for three years so far. Technology had saved him with medical equipment when he suffered RSV, pneumonia and allergic reactions. Technology has given him the opportunity to use a tablet with words that he can choose to select to tell us what he needs when he cannot.

Technology can always improve the world and make surprising discoveries, but if we are not careful, it can ruin us in a second.

“Teachers will not be replaced by technology, but teachers who do not use technology will be replaced by those who do.” – Hari Krishna Arya, India

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